Minqx Currently Seeking Beautiful Young Female Models to Headlin

INVITE Minqx is opening its doors to welcome new models. So whether an experienced professional or a beginner looking to wet your feet Minqx is the ideal platform to showcase your personal brand. Don t feel yourself to be a brand just yet No worries Sit back kick your feet up while Minqx takes you on a tour of becoming a Minqx model. Be warned though Minqx is unlike anything you ve ever experienced before. STAGE 1 Minqx a start-up modeling house will begin its journey with a showcase sponsorship fundraising program. This 3 of our 12-month probationary stage will... Help raise the necessary funds required to launch Minqx various businesses venues products and services. Create a stunning platform where models can expose their talents and skills for the world to see. Provide each model a 50% Share of their sponsorship proceeds which can easily reach 5 000 . Afford paid gigs and potential for extended contracts to various model types. Most importantly ensure whether this industry is indeed for you and you for it. STAGE 2 Each model after successfully completing their initial 90-day probationary period will enter into a 6-month paid model training and talent development course. Minqx plan is to structure this 6-month course as an innovative reality series which will not only prepare each model for the varied model types at Minqx but will in addition provide great exposure leading to several paid gigs and ongoing contracts. STAGE 3 A model s final 3 months as a Minqx prot g before the celebratory induction as a Minqx will commence with long & short-term contract distribution various bonuses & awards in addition to individual branding. INDUCTION As a Minqx upon your 1-year anniversary sets the world as your stage eagerly awaiting your performance. You are placed on our client site where clients request your various Minqx modeling services. GETTING STARTED Begin your journey by visiting us at the link below to learn more and view all the benefits of becoming a Minqx. minqx.com becoming-a-minqx



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