1 Talent Magnifier Best HR Generalist Training in Delhi NCR

If you are meticulously searching for the best and most relevant HR Certification Courses in Delhi then you have arrived at the correct place. Here is our platform called Talent Magnifier at Laxmi Nagar which is providing a full-fledged HR Generalist Training in Delhi NCR. We provide the best and relevant skill learning that is the need of the hour today in the HR world. Below are few names of what we are teaching in training. 1) Product Management Managing a different kind of products in the field of technology media financial etc. 2) Customer Service Calling program and technical customer support training 3) Scheduling How to schedule the interviews meetings recruiting and another process within the organization 4) Team Work and collaboration Motivating and bringing out the best from the employees. Join today Talent Magnifier to get the best training in the Human Resources field. Contact Details - Talent Magnifierinfo(at)talentmagnifier.com999942039 4 9999420393 01140109421 401 D-30 Siddharth Complex Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Opp Metro Pillar No. 33 Nearest Domino s Laxmi Nagar New Delhi 110092s www.talentmagnifier.com



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