Motivated Seller-Willing to negotiate. Spacious Bar Large Baseme

The Sand Bar is the largest bar in town and is located in the center of a stage in back for bands and others events. Stage for Bands Dance floor and lighting for both. Has 2 Pool tables 2 Dart boards and New updated Touchtunes Juke box. Seats 75 and room for many more. Large enough for big events and small enough for 1 bartender most shifts. Michigan Lottery Games Sold Here. 2300 sf. Bar. 1600 sf. Upstairs w 2 apartments. 1800 sf. Basement with 6 7 height. Only building in town still in use as it was built for. Could be historical. Est. 1892 Will train new owners and share trade secrets such as killer Jello and Tube Shot recipes and more.



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