
FABRICATORS WELDERS - NEW ZEALANDWe have both onsite and factory based roles available We re interested in hearing from people with experience of any of the following Mig welding Tig welding Arc Stick welding Stainless welding Structural steel welding Pipe Welding FabricationTicketed welders are preferredWhat We Can Offer You Long & short term roles available NOW Great rates Weekly pay Access to training to upskill yourself Diversity in your work we can give you the opportunity to work on a variety of projects Work for a company that cares about your career and safetyIf you think you think you tick all the boxes have great experience & the right attributes to offer our client then don t delay get in touch today to tell us why you are the right person for this job.CONTACT US TODAY Email lydia(at)svrpower.co.uk Call 44(0)1229 343791 Text 44(0)7547 979921 or 44(0)7842 773077Follow us on Snapchat svrpower2018 Instagram SVR Power Limited Like our Facebook Page SVR Power Limited



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