Security Services

Dandridge & Associates Inc. (D& A) is a New York State licensed Private Investigation Company. We are based in Rockland County Our staff consist of New York State licensed armed security officers guards either retired or active law enforcement professionals. Dandridge & Associates Inc. executives are comprised of seasoned law enforcement professionals. We don t just provide security we strategize creative ways to get the job done correctly. During the hiring process we interview and select candidates with experiences that best suits the clients needs. Each of our professionals receive specific directions so that will have a clear understanding of their responsibilities in order to exceed the exceptions of the client. Dandridge and Associates Inc. will always ensure the level of competency reliability and integrity of each staff members to be at their peak. Our team is always available at a moment s notice. The client s concerns will are our priority as Dandridge and Associates Inc. continue to transcend expectations. Our Officers Guards Ensure the security safety and well-being of all personnel visitors and the premises Provide excellent customer service Adhere to all company service and operating standards Remain in compliance with local state and federal regulations Immediately respond to emergencies to provide necessary assistance to employees and customers Protect the company s assets relative to theft assault fire and other safety issues Follow procedures for various initiatives including fire prevention property patrol traffic control and accident investigations 18 years of age High School Diploma or GED required Written and verbal communication skills Capable of following instructions Strong interpersonal skills Willingness to participate in the company s screening process including drug screen and background investigation Knowledge of security operations and procedures



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