Best Credit Co-Operative Society In Udaipur

Bhawani Credit Co-operative Society in Udaipur Ltd (BCCS Ltd.) initiated its operations in the year 2009 as a Co-operative Society. Our primary business from rural agricultural and social group in Udaipur District Rajasthan. Our mission to lighten the weaker sections of the civilization from the rural areas of the Udaipur (Rajasthan). Our society provide highly personalized service to our members. Every year society completes the audit as per schedule time. Society members can check their activity details using the online accounting software. The BCCS Ltd. formed under the laws which do transactions among its members. BCCS Ltd. be registered under on Rajasthan credit Co-Operative Societies in Udaipur Act 2001 under section 6 regulated by the Rajasthan Government of India with its Registration No. 2507 Y . BCCS Ltd. follows all existing parameters of fund sufficiency those formed by Government of India.



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