Pest Control TechnicianOperator

Aptive Environmental is the FASTEST-growing pest control company in America We are excited to be 1 in our industry and are in need of confident and competent Service Professionals to join our fast growing team.We are currently hiring inexperienced candidates as well as candidates who are licensed NJ Commercial Pesticide Applicators Certification in NJ categories 3A 3B and 7A is preferred. We also welcome candidates who have relevant reciprocal certification licenses from NY PA DE IN RI SC VT and or VA APPLY THROUGH LINK HERE s careers jobs 5e23885d-cb02-af4c-0b97-c394db9f0c3a apply source 968255-CS-29286JOB DESCRIPTIONCustomer Care is the name of the game. We strive to deliver WOW with all our customer interactions. The ability to self monitor attention to detail time management addressing customer questions and providing AMAZING customer service will make up the bulk of this position. Here is what the position entails Running a daily route where you will be resolving customer pest concerns and issues Maintaining truck and equipment in proper working order Keeping accurate records of treatments provided Collecting payments for services rendered Mixing applying and working with pesticides in accordance with State and Federal laws Monday thru Friday and every other Saturday (plenty of work) OTHER IMPORTANT SKILLS WE LIKEAttention to detail Strong problem solving skills Excellent communicator Professional and courteous at all times when interacting with customers and co-workers Excellent organizational and time management skills Ability to quickly assess pest control needs Reliable and punctual REQUIREMENTSThis is an opportunity for a great career with no experience necessary we will train you A clean driving record is required (no more than one traffic violation in the past 3 years) A minimum of 5 years with a valid driver s license is required A drug test and background check will be performed on all new hires BENEFITSStarting wage for inexperienced candidates is 13 hour with a performance-based raise after the first 6 months Starting wage for experienced candidates is dependent upon licensing We pay for your training and Pesticide Operator Licensing Paid training for re-certification credits and any reciprocal licensing needs Monthly cell phone stipend Company vehicle with gas & maintenance covered by Aptive Medical Dental and Vision plans after probation period Earn sales commission and bonuses in addition to regular pay Fast-growing company with a positive work environment



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