KIMBROS 153 and INVESTMENT LTD. dba SUSHI UMI is looking for FT

KIMBROS 153 & INVESTMENT LTD. dba SUSHI UMI is looking for F T LINE COOKS.Position Line CookTerms of employment Full-time PermanentWage 14- 18 hour (Depending on Experience)Hours 30-40hours weekBenefits 10 days paid vacation per year or 4% vacation pay Job Duties Prepares an extensive variety of foods utilizing standardized recipes Always maintain the food prep area and kitchen cleaned and sanitized Maintain accurate food inventories Setting up and stocking stations with all necessary supplies Educational Requirements Secondary school Experience Requirements 2 3 years of commercial cooking experience are required. Language Requirements English Number of Positions 2 Location North Vancouver BCCompany information KIMBROS 153 & INVESTMENT LTD. dba SUSHI UMIContact Person JIHOON KIMEmail address Hire.sushiuminorthvan(at)outlook.comBusiness address 1995 LONSDALE AVE. NORTH VANCOUVER BCNote If you don t meet qualifications exactly but believe you have the required skills please submit your r sum and references for consideration.



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