wood stove CIVIL WAR era parlor delux

You are looking at a gorgeous rare and coveted original post-Civil War era 100% cast iron coal wood stove manufactured by the Fischer-Leaf Co. in Louisville Kentucky. Called the ART-ARIZONA . It is numbered 14 and dated 1895. During the nineteenth century Fischer-Leaf was considered to be among the finest producers of cast-iron stoves in the country. Stoves made there were renowned for their fine-quality castings and innovations in technology and design. Cast-iron stove making reached its highest artistic achievement with the advent of the cupola furnace which permitted more elaborate designs and finer-quality castings. Stove designers borrowed freely from architectural and cabinetmakers design books a process that resulted in the use of Greek Roman Egyptian and rococo revival motifs as well as patriotic symbols. The range of stove types included Franklin box dumb base-burning parlor cook stoves and ranges. However the stoves that attracted the most attention and helped to secure the reputation of stoves were those just like this one. These stoves were a focal point for a Victorian parlor because the overall designs incorporated current tastes in architecture furniture and other decorative arts. This particular stove is intact and measures approx. 33 H x 28 W x 21 D W ash lip . The base footprint is 28 x 21 . This stove was completely disassembled sanded primed and given three coats of beautiful high temperature enamel. Note the detail and fine craftsmanship. Although not recommended for actual burning this beauty will provide a timeless heirloom. A fine piece of beautiful furniture. Gosh this is a rare and fine piece of historic art form and function that will never go out of style. Interestingly the Albany Institute of History and Art is nationally known for its excellent collection of nineteenth-century cast-iron stoves just like this one Appraised in 2005 (at) 750 it can be yours for just 500. NO texting as my phone is also an antique. Simply e-mail or call Paul. That s all.



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