1981 66 X 14 Liberty Mobile Home

PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE POST BEFORE CONTACTING ME CHANCES ARE ALL YOUR QUESTIONS CAN BE ANSWERED BY READING HERE. For Sell 1 200.00. Located in Weatherstone Village Mobile Home Park in Michigan City In. YOU MUST BE ACCEPTED BY WEATHERSTONE VILLAGE BEFORE YOU CAN BUY They will require an app fee and each adult to do a background check. This home has to be sold and transferred by end of March 2019 at the latest as i do not want to end up paying 2 lot rents.2 bedroom 1 bath extreme handyman fixer-upper. I purchased on 05 06 17 thinking i was up to fixing it but it was way more of a fixer upper than they orginally admitted. I have a free and clear title in my name in hand and i will verify all taxes and fees are paid up to date before sell and transfer. I doubt that it can be moved to another park or land with the shape it is in. I pay about 480.00 a month and this includes lot rent water and home insurance through the park. The previous owners destroyed it it had to be mostly gutted. Flooring and walls had to be torn down up and installed plywood flooring and drywall walls. Doors and door jams fixtures should be replaced but we never did. It has a new hot water heater purchased and installed on 05 09 17 I have receipt and paperwork. It will need a completely new roof and HVAC system (heating and air)



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