Your Own Private Room in a Luxurious 3050 sq. ft. Home - 600mont

Looking for all the benefits of living in a large beautiful home in gorgeous Fairhope AL without the cost This is your opportunity I am a neat clean quiet male looking for a male or female to share my spacious five-bedroom house loaded with amenities. Enjoy your own private unfurnished bedroom and bathroom in your own section of the house. Enjoy cooking in the over-sized kitchen unwind over a game of pool darts or foosball in the rec room or take a dip in the neighborhood pool right around the corner. Shopping restaurants and Hwy 181 are one minute away. You are free to live the life of your choosing in my house as long as you are respectful of my space my sleep and my stuff. Neat clean tidy financially stable and drama-free only should apply. Outside smoking okay. All utilities cable high-speed Internet and Netflix included. Background check and application required. 6 months minimum lease. AVAILABLE NOW



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