Lease for 1356mo 4 beds 2 baths 1232 sqft Rent Only Single F

Lease for 1 356 mo 4 beds 2 baths 1 232 sqft Rent Only Single Family Home Home Features & Amenities Smart Home Pet Friendly Long Lease Terms Walk in Closet Deck Covered Porch Open Floorplan Laminate Flooring Air Conditioning Nearby Schools Eagle s Landing High School-9-12 Eagle s Landing Middle School-6-8 Flippen Elementary School-PK-5 Call today rent as soon as tomorrow OFFICE PHONE 404-530-9270 Ask about our amazing partnered Rent with the option to Purchase Programs.New Exciting Alternative to purchase your dream home now. Rent To Own Lease To Ownership Options The fastest way to gain homeownership by renting first with equity building every monthly. Portion of your monthly rent is escrowed set aside for the down payment to purchase. You select any home that s for sale home on the market to be purchased. Using this exciting Cashback Equity building rent to ownership program gives you the time you need to build your credit history make certain you like your neighborhood and start building home equity you can use toward your purchase. This exciting Cashback Equity building rent to ownership program locks in your future home price at today s cost plus a conversion fee. Compare that to just renting where you pay thousands of dollars year after year without seeing a payback building someone else s future not your own. Requirements for Lease to Ownership Free Application (Only Lease to Ownership applications are 0 Free) Soft Pull on your credit report (Won t effect your score or inquires count) 2 300 gross monthly income Minimum 550 credit score DTI 50% or lower Homes up to 300 000 No Bankruptcies in the last 12 months No Eviction in the last 12 months 2% Down Payment Min. 1 300 bank liquid assets Self Employed allowed with 6 months of bank statements We have partnered with a group of investors who purchase homes with cash and want to sell you the home that you have select and rent. Why is this program a great choice 1. Cash Back at the end of your 18th-36th month of leasing 2. Fast Closings in usually 14 days 3. Allowed up to 3 years to purchase your home 4. Alternative Form of Financing to purchase your new home 5. Most rent lease to own programs don t set aside a portion of your rental payments towards your future down payment to purchase 6. Want to test drive your future purchase and neighborhood 7. Want to test drive the school district 8. For relocation new comer to Atlanta and not sure about what area to purchase in 9. You shop and choose the home from the active open market that fits your rent to own Budget 10. We process all your qualifications and paperwork This Rent-To-Own Lease To Ownership Program works great for you if you 1. Want a portion of your rent to go towards your future down payment 2. Can t go into a traditional mortgage 3. Don t want to move twice after renting 4. Experienced a bankruptcy foreclosure short sale or divorce over 12 months ago 5. You choose the home and the area 6. Automatically save for your purchase down payment 7. You can make improvements to the home while your renting 8. New construction can be used with this program 9. Don t have to wait a full 24 months after your bankruptcy 10. If you were denied for a mortgage or turn down because of your credit - collections medical 11. Give you time to enjoy your new home while working on your credit 12. Currently want a 2% down program and not 3.5% and closing cost What are the requirements to participate in this program These are the main requirements for approval process Applicants must be currently employed or self employed Applicants must have been employed for the past 12 months (multiple jobs are fine) Average monthly income of at least 2 300 month Applicant can comfortably afford their monthly payment Credit score of at least 550 If applicants have declared bankruptcy their bankruptcy has been discharged over 12 months ago Have at least 1 300 saved up and ready to go for a down payment How do I apply Underwriting process is very fast. It has 5 simple steps Complete our pre-qualification form to create your rent-to-own lease-to-ownership budget How do you decide my home budget Our Team Pre-qualifies you for a home budget based on 2 criteria Can you afford a minimum 2% down payment Can you comfortably afford the monthly payments How long does this all take Our approval process is extremely fast. Once you re done submitting our required documents we can pre-approve you the very next day Closing on a home once you ve made a choice takes 14 Days depending on your preferences as well as those of the seller of the property you ve chosen. We also offer and have available 1. Purchase only options with 15 000 down payment assistance 2. Rent only options that are newly renovated Call to get Pre-Qualify and get started now Welcome All Home BD Property Management OFFICE PHONE 404-530-9270 We re open call or text us today at 404-530-9270 7am to 7pm Monday - Friday 9am to 7pm Saturday - SundayAbove photo is for rent to ownership program explanation and demonstration purposes. For more specifics figure of a home your interested in or have selected call us today at 404-530-9270.



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