HR Generalist

s jobopeningsjobs(at) mHR Generalist needs 5 years of Employee Relations experience or related HR experience HR Generalist requires Bachelor s degree in Human Resource discipline Excellent customer service communications and interpersonal skills Knowledge of Federal and State Employment Law Computer skills including experience with Microsoft Office PHR or SPHR a plus Strong consultative skills and ability to exercise judgment based on core policies and practices of the Company HR Generalist duties Provides exceptional customer service to managers and associates. responding to all inquiries quickly completely and professionally. Educates managers by providing consultation and coaching regarding policy interpretation associate behavior performance management and associate development. Assists managers with diagnosing and resolving issues through proper questioning techniques and risk assessment. Understands and applies company policies procedures and applicable laws to consult with managers on best practices that reduces the risk of the Company builds a positive work environment for the associates and supports the Company s HR strategy.



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