Godrej Platinum Okhla &ndash New Project by Godrej Properties in

Godrej Platinum Godrej Properties is a leading and well-respected developer to offer the best and most awaited residential properties in 12 major cities of the country. Godrej Okhla project in Delhi is going to focus on the unique needs of clients and launches several commercial and residential projects according to the needs of their clients. It is soon launching new project Godrej Platinum in Okhla Phase 1. This project is stretched over 5 acres of landscapes and it is going to be the ultra-modern and luxurious residential project in Okhla. This project is all set to have a lot of world-class amenities for new project in Godrej Okhla such as CCTV and security guards firefighting systems gardens with seating Wi-Fi connectivity pedestrian-friendly complex 100% power backup kids play area swimming pool 24x7 water facility volleyball and football court indoor games gym car parking and world-class landscaped garden. The developer is going to have a great presence in several major cities of the country. Godrej flagship project in Okhla is going to be the best creation in NCR region. The residents are going to have ample premium landmarks. The homeowners are going to have world-class homes in every term be it on connectivity or amenities in the landmarks. Godrej Okhla New project in Okhla is going to have a remarkable location in Delhi and is going to be located at the most promising address on main road from Greater Kailash to Mathura Road. It is going to be the first development from Godrej Properties in New Delhi and third in NCR region. The township is going to have world-class 2 3 and 4 Bhk units and it will be offered in different sizes. It doesn t matter what size of your family is you can easily choose the property according to your needs. In addition the project also enjoys rapid connectivity to Faridabad Gurgaon and Noida. In addition Sonepat and Kundli are not too far from this address. This flagship project is going to be the high-rise development and it is going to have different configuration of the residential units. In Godrej Okhla project every home is going to be airy to move freely in homes and they will also be designed according to vastu standards. For More Info - Godrej Platinum Okhla Call Us - 91-9810047296



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