Port Townsend Downsizing Online Auction - Washington Street

WHAT IS IN THIS AUCTION This online auction features collectibles such as Lego kits Lego Harry Potter and Ghostbusters loose Legos a large collection of Disney pins Sophie Conran designer mugs polished and unpolished rocks model cars Pixar model cars Thomas & Friends train collection vintage K & O train set kitchenware such as Cuisinart Calphalon Marquette Pyrex Kitchen Aid and Hamilton outdoor gear such as rafts toboggan inflatable rafts and inner tubes Razor scooter DK bike Wilson children s tennis rackets ski travel bags L.L. Bean tent North Face tents camping chairs Volvo electric cooler campsite heater Coleman grill air mattresses Mikado touring bike auto bike rack Atlas snowshoes cameras by Olympus Canon seasonal home decor outdoor home care tools such as pressure washer and much more HOW TO ACCESS THE AUCTION Simply s maxsold.maxsold.com auction 17641 utm_source ClassifiedAds.com& utm_medium post& utm_campaign PortTownsend-WashingtonStreetTO BID PLEASE REGISTER Copy and paste this link to your browsers maxsold.maxsold.com register WHEN DOES THE AUCTION CLOSE Everything will SELL BY Thursday August 08 2019 7 00 PM regardless of price.Bidding starts at 1. This is an online auction. We do not sell or ship privately.For more information please visit s maxsold.com terms-and-conditions



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