Reliable Housecleaner

You need a reliable honest experienced housecleaner- Call Bonnie today Servicing All of Newport Beach Costa Mesa Huntington Beach Laguna Beach Irvine Fountain Valley Corona Del Mar and Newport Coast only Regular Weekly Bi-weekly and Monthly cleaning Residential Apartment House Condo etc. and small Commercial Offices (Monday - Friday ONLY no weekends no last minute jobs and no rental cleanups please )Over 25 years of service in Orange CountyOne person only equipment cleaning products provided by myself or I will use yours if you prefer.Basic Cleaning Includes -vacuuming all carpet and rugs-dusting all surfaces including table lamps shelves mirrors furniture (use soft cloths to avoid scratching)-mopping all floors wood floors with dust mop or separate products as desired-bathrooms full service- sink toilet floor shower and tub-kitchen floor sink countertops stove top microwave outside surfaces of appliances-clean mirrors closet doors more Free estimates Call Today Bonnie Ziervogel(949) 631-7740 CellReferences are available



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