Specialize Service for Healthy School Lunch Programs NJ 07712 K

Karson Foods has been catering the New Jersey surrounds in style for over 25 years. Whether you are looking for a simple school lunch program or hot meals for schools in NJ Karson foods will provide you with outstanding food for school children and amazing food for your school children.With our professional lunch program services we can provide school food service and prepared school meals in NJ for large amount of students.Why Only Karson Food Meal Nutrition and Menu Planning Meal Delivery Wholesale food services Preschool meals Top notch quality food services and catering provisions Daily cooked portioned sealed and delivered Food from our kitchen We provide Nutrition food in comparative price Our 15 000 square foot facility is centrally located enabling us to food service and catering all areas of the state. Our school lunches program are prepared fresh daily in our state inspected commissary. Our Employee use hand gloves for hygienic food Operating as a family owned business Karson foods understands the importance of working within your budget and takes a personal quest to deliver the quality you expect as we pay attention to every detail in school lunch program.Call us (732) 922-1900 orVisit us www.karsonfoods.com for further information



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