Bella Unisex V-Neck Jersey T-Shirt

Artik was founded in 1985 by Saul Nir and Rafi Danan. They got started selling custom t-shirts in the flea market and over the years more and more clients have flocked to the company. As Artik s reputation grew across Canada the business partners hired more staff with more expertise and got new machines capable of printing high quality t-shirts sweaters and promotional products. Today Artik is one of the largest print shops in Canada with a specialty in embroidery. The company is well reviewed on Google Yelp and Facebook with many reviewers noting the fast response time good pricing and their uncanny ability to hit deadlines. Follow Artik on Instagram (at)artiktoronto and read their articles here CONTACT ARTIK 314 Adelaide Street East Toronto ON M5A 1N1 Phone 416-815-7770 Toll free 1-866-909-9161 Email info(at) Fax 647-438-5847s custom-t-shirts v-neck-shirts delancey-v-neck-t-shirt.html



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