1985 Chevrolet Corvette Coupe

1985 Chevrolet Corvette Coupe 2-DR 5.7L V8 OHV 16V. 2 owner car Previous owner had owned this vehicle for 20 years. Lots of documentation with this car. It is in excellent condition with low miles I have extensive documentation for this car along with extra parts including a car cover new gaskets etc. Prospective bidders are welcome and encouraged to inspect this car prior to placing a bid. Ga residents must add TAVT and 60 title transfer fee to the winning bid price. Non Ga residents will be responsible for paying your state tax and registration fees. VIN 1G1YY0780F5126564 MILES 24 836This item is being sold by Online Auction on AuctionDeals.com. QAL 11886-14 Auction Ends 08 12 2019.All items are sold AS IS WHERE IS and may be inspected by appointment.AuctionDeals.com powered by GovDeals is the online auction website where you can bid on and buy commercial assets. Price is the starting or current bid and subject to change at any time during the ongoing auction. To see full details additional photos and current bid please use this link - s www.auctiondeals.com index.cfm fa Main.Item& itemID 14& acctid 11886



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