Room For Rent

Renting Furnished Unfurnished Rooms in a Newly Remeodeled Basement in a Nice Neighborhood on the Westside of Detroit This property is located in a striving neighboorhood with shopping centers grocery stores fast food resturants and close to major bus routes and freeways. There are two rooms available at this time. Washer and Dryer in basement. Basement tenants share all common areas Kitchen Living space and Bathroom. Monthly Rent is 500 with Electric Gas and Water included. Wifi can be included for an extra 25 per month. Applicants must get along with the same or opposite sex. To qualify before moving in applicant must pass a background check which costs 29.95 and have total move in fee of 500 first month rent and 250 Deposit. Applicant must have verifible earned or unearned income of at least 750 Monthly or higher no previous vacate or eviction judgements in their name no criminal background and no major mental or violent history. 6 month Lease is required. Serious Applicants should have full move in fee and are ready to move. To set up a viewing please call or leave a message for Shuawn at 313-989-6997 Mon-Fri 9a.m.-6pm Sat 9a.m-4p.m. NO CALLS ACCEPTED AFTER 6PM. Sun no calls accepted.



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