
I m a 5 9 tall 49 years old BM from SW VA. I am emotionally happy mentally healthy employed and financially stable. I m not looking for just a pin pal or only fwb (but I might be persuaded to indulge in such a situation with the right woman). I d love to build a private world for 2 where expressions of deep emotional feelings and public displays of affection are not only allowed but encouraged. I would prefer (but not exclusively) to do so with a very curvy and voluptuous BBWW (with or w o kids of her own) who isn t afraid or ashamed to express her love in private or in front of the entire world.I desire and require a woman who is able to give love as openly freely and fiercely as she receives it. I would like to prosper with someone who is between the ages sfor a 35 to 50 years old has a stable job owns her own car and MUST love kids and WANT to have more. I m 420 friendly and it would be great if you do the same.I like going out to places. And I love all types of music. I m both an introvert and extrovert. I love going out for dinner and a movies. I like walks through the park just before nightfall just as much as I like walking on the beach just before sunrise. Or we can stay in pop some popcorn snuggle under the big comfy blanket and watch tv. If you are interested please respond and let s see if there is a connection Please respond back with your email address and send a picture and I will send one back with answers to any questions that you asked me -) PS only LOCAL women who live within a 20 mile radius of Roanoke Roanoke County please respond. No offense but I am not interested in a long distance relationship at this time. Ttys



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