wood stove Pacific Energy Super27 reduced

Barely used and in exceptional condition is this Pacific Energy Super Classic 27 PEDESTAL model non-catalytic free standing wood stove that commanded near 3 000.00. Made in Canada where folks take wood burning seriously. Ser 71283 Mfg 1990. Renowned for its EZ load light low manitence highly efficient features. Fully tagged EPA and UL approved even for mobile homes This woodstove boasts clean burn technology that is second to none and will easily heat up to 2K SQ (at) 83% efficiency Its large firebox eagerly awaits 18 logs and the extra-large pyro-ceramic glass door provides a beautiful view of the fire and an abundance of radiant heat. Matte black finish elegant pedestal base and real gold trim make it a focal point in any application. Measures 29 H x 24 W x 28 D [with ash lip rear heat shield . Standard 6 vertical flue collar and includes the original literature and manual Approx. 400 lbs. This premium wood stove needs nothing save a good owner so call or e-mail asap because the cold weather IS just around the corner . This stove will easily pay for itself in one or two months Only 875.00Reliable durable non-catalytic technologyAir wash system for super clean ceramic glassHigh-tech multi-port combustion air injection systemInside and outside combustion air capableFloating firebox for extended stove lifeEasy and safe front to back fuel loadingRich Metallic Black finish Heavy plate-steel top304 Stainless Steel baffle insulation cover rails and flame shieldBoost air for easy lightingMobile home approvedSingle-Lever Air ControlEPA UL Certified tested.



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