Site Education Manager

CEEN Early Head Start is hiring a Site Education Manager for the 2019-2020 Program Year. This position will work with typically developing children children with disabilities bilingual children and families living in poverty. 40 hrs wk 52 weeks per program year non-exempt great benefits. Pay 17.25- 19.45 depending on credentials and responsibilities. Minimum Requirements BA Degree in ECE Child Development or related field (with 15 ECE Credits) Must be State Director Qualified through the state of Colorado 2 Years (2 080 hours) of verified experience working with Infants Toddlers and their families 1 year of supervisory experience with 3 or more employees Monitors the teaching staff daily by observing in each classroom each session daily Recruits prospective families and assists with enrollment process ensures CCCAP eligibility Assists in maintaining documentation of observations and use this information to strengthen the teaching skills of the staff Responsible for monitoring and compliance with applicable local state and federal rules regulations and standards as well as with any state and federal contracts health safety and licensing regulations. Benefits Health dental and vision insurance 401K Match Paid holidays Vacation illness and paid personal time off Workplace wellness initiatives College coursework assistance Professional development opportunities To Apply and Job Descriptions avail. from 8-4 p.m. at CEEN or No Phone Calls. Applications and all documentation for education and experience (1) transcripts (2) degrees and (3) official letters documenting hours of verified experience should be submitted to CEEN Head Start 710 11th Avenue Suite L90. Incomplete Applications will not be accepted. CEEN is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The mission of the Colorado Early Education Network (CEEN) is to facilitate and enhance productive programming and services for children staff and parenting partnerships along with partnering with educational entities community resources and local state and federal agencies. CEEN is designed to create a collaborative network bridge between resources programs and participants.



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