Move mountains

I used to think this was literally talking about moving an actual mountain here on earth (Smoky mountains Rocky mountains etc.). I m past that now. Matthew 17 20 And Jesus said unto them Because of your unbelief for verily I say unto you If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed ye shall say unto this mountain Remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Mark 11 23 For verily I say unto you That whosoever shall say unto this mountain Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith. The word mountain as used in the above two verses is it literal or figurative Figurative only. When was the last time someone actually moved an earthly mountain with mere words. I know God could do it by speaking it He spoke everything into existence He can move a literal mountain for sure. I know a human can do it with lots of explosives and hard work the literal mountain can be destroyed by humans and hauled away in dump trucks not the same thing though. But this is talking about the power in the name of Jesus this is why we pray in Jesus name we are saved in Jesus name and we rebuke Satan in Jesus name. Satan and his realm all of it is that mountain spoken of in the above verses. The power in the name of Jesus we have been given using it and acting on faith and belief is what moves that mountain (Satan s realm evil etc.). In other words to remove mountains i.e. is to accomplish the most difficult stupendous incredible things (In the name of Jesus Christ of course). I have personally witnessed such events in my life not the moving of a literal mountain though. I have seen some incredible things happen with my own eyes some things I thought were impossible. Did these things happen when I wanted them to happen (according to my will) No they happened on Jesus time-line His will was done. I can clearly see Jesus fingerprints all over those particular events plus other events in the rest of my life as well my faith has been strengthened immensely. I am really glad to say I know these things happen to others as well. Sadly in many instances other people can t see what has been revealed to me and others they are hindered by unbelief. Mark 9 21 And he asked his father How long is it ago since this came unto him And he said Of a child.Mark 9 22 And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire and into the waters to destroy him but if thou canst do any thing have compassion on us and help us.Mark 9 23 Jesus said unto him If thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth.Mark 9 24 And straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears Lord I believe help thou mine unbelief. I feel this is a great example of a little doubt and unbelief creeping into our lives when we experience such a thing for a long time. I m not ashamed or too proud to admit I ve had to ask for help with some doubt and unbelief in my life as well. I know that Jesus definitely has helped me with it and continues to do so. I pray for His will to be done. Please continue to study learn and grow in God s word.



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