Call and Come By Anytime.. 3 Bd With Commercial Sz Garage - Make

Come Look. MAKE AN OFFER .... Here s the FINANCIAL PART OF IT. I ve already purchased new home. Ready To Move so....Owner willing to negotiate whatever makes your loan work. Down payment. Closing Costs. Cash back at closing. Whatever makes it work..... DONE DEAL 3308 Forestdale Ave Knoxville TN 37917 Washington Pk & Whittle Springs Rd in North Knox North Hills AreaHuge LotHardwood FloorsHome actually has a one of a kind Real Hardwood Tongue & Groove Roof under shinglesRoof is 5 years old and has 40 year shingles.Home Business or Hobby you need space for ..... Check out this garage Home has a Commercial Size 12 Foot High Garage with 10 Foot Entry door. Garage is full of shelves and has a built in engine lift beam exhaust fan and a built in Air Compressor Access in rear. There is a Desk Area and electrical outlets everywhere . The Garage is just 3 Yrs oldThere are 4 storage buildings 1 16 x 48 ( 32ft enclosed with 16Ft covered with no walls )Another 8 x 12. With 2 other smaller ones and an 8 x 8 Starter Greenhouse also.Garage and all out buildings have underground wiring with the garage having its own breaker box.There is pull down stairs and attic flooring for even more storage in the house.Interior was painted 2 years ago new Double Crown Molding and a Nice Kitchen back splash with under counter lights.The rear entry mud room has laundry area and an office area combined.There Are Ceiling Fans In Every Room. Bathroom is tiled. Floors & Shower with built in soap shelf.Seller will pay for YOUR new kitchen floor. I was going to redo it before selling but figured if I m paying for it anyway may as well be the floor YOU want. Right. So pick your own new floor.There s a very nice dogwood tree in the front yard. It has a mature Chinese Maple also.Home and yard lays out like a serene park setting. Very nice.There is a large multi level deck out back with a hot tub Jacuzzi and a pergola over it.The driveway was installed spring 2019 along with an all new sewer line below.There is a 12 x 12 gazebo in the back yard for entertaining with lights & electricity also.The privacy fence is less than 2 years oldWe purchased the rear half of the lot next door. There is plenty of room for expandingThe lot actually qualifies enough square footage to build three houses on.For Sale By Owner. No commission to pay saving you thousands or MAKING YOUR DOWN PAYMENT FOR YOU ..... THINK ..... NO MONEY DOWN Motivated Seller New Home Already Purchased Fast Closing Fast Move In - GREAT DEAL Call Paul ........ 865-661-7766 . 159 900 OBO



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