Satyamani Natural Energized Green Aventurine with Tibetan Bead

Satyamani Natural Energized Green Aventurine with Tibetan Bead Bead is good for healing and Protection powers. This bracelet works on Blood Circulation and Heart Chakra together. Owners can experience good health good fortune wealth and prosperity. The Tibetan word Dzi means brightness shine luxury and clarity . The Chinese would refer to them as heaven s pearls . The Tibetan word Dzi means brightness shine luxury and clarity . This bracelet comes with the power of Blood Stone and Tibetan Bead. In terms of eyes at the most there can 21 beads on one bracelet and these are heaven s eyes watching over you some also believe this is the Buddha himself protecting you. The stripes are done on the sides of the Dzi bead similar to trigrams. There can be other symbols that are auspicious etched on the beads. Some common ones include the lotus a wave the sun a tortoise shell pattern ru yi the moon and nectar. Note These are natural stones and only shape has been given. Please note that you will be sent a similar stone which is 100% natural. Availability may subject to in stock product. Data is collected from information provided by healers all over the world. We do not claim anything. The Picture is an indicative as these stones are natural their color and size may vary as per their occurrence in their nature. (Rest information will be given along with the products).



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