wood stove SCANDIA 308 reduced

The Scandia 308 is an all cast iron well-built woodstove that will easily pay for itself in no time. You are looking at a well-made clone of the famous Vermont Casting Vigilant built for fire and built to last This is a free standing non-catalytic wood stove that measures 32 H x 28 w x 20 deep with a standard reversible 8 flue. Not one single issue barely used clean as a whistle inside and out with all new graphite impregnated gaskets and freshly polished. This woodstove is in excellent condition and ready to install and even includes the optional rear and lower heat shields. Nearly 350 lbs of cast iron with the top HD steel griddle which is perfect for steamers cooking and top loading. And of course there is the side control damper which engages the renowned high efficiency long burn mode auto 12 HR. burn time . 45 000 btu hr and will take 18 logs. Nothing the big-box-stores offers even comes close to this wood stove especially at 500.00 OBO Certain to efficiently heat your space and your heart. Don t wait for the cold weather to sneak up on you. Simply e-mail or call....that s all.



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