Seeking a women for companion and love

Looking for A Filipino or Asian lady. I am a white retired gentleman lliving alone and looking for female companionship and love. I am a very active 75 year old doing lots of traveling and other activities. Not ready to settle in on a rocking chair and become a couch ppotato. I have been a vegan (90%) for the past year. I am kind loving caring and patient. Willing to give a lady time to get acquainted. I am interested in a relationship the leads to intimacy if that is comfortable and the attraction is evident. Please no gold diggers. Age or is not an issue but be relaistic. If you are under 35 years old we are problably not a match . I am 5 foot 9.5 inches tall and weight 170 lbs.. I have a 2 bedroom 2 bath home at htis time so you can have your own bedroom and bathroom. . my email is doolytom(at) TomPS I do not want to post a picture on the internet. but if you send me an email Ill send you a picture.of myself.



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