kanye west s yeezy boost ads are literally front page news

kanye west s yeezy boost ads are literally front page news Newspaper readers across the country got an unexpected surprise this morning as Kanye West took took out front page ads for the YEEZY BOOST 350 V2 Triple White release suggesting this might be the latest trend in obnoxious marketing tactics. After all Supreme did the same thing a month ago. So far West has taken his ads to 10 papers nationwide including the NY Post Philadelphia Inquirer Chicago Tribune Miami Post and the San Francisco Chronicle. The full front and back page ads feature the phrase we love translated in multiple languages plus photos from the campaign shot by photographer Rita Minissi. West is no stranger to ad stunts like this one. Last February he teased his Season 6 campaign on wife Kim Kardashian s Instagram with casual paparazzi-esque shots of her running everyday errands in the clothes. West then plastered her posts throughout the New York subway and Times Square. It s worth noting that West also goes head to head with Apple today as the tech company release the most expensive iPhone ever the iPhone XS Max so we re unsure which retailer will have the most ridiculous line outside stores today. Hypebeasts are probably lining up for the actual newspapers too. The shoes are available for purchase for 220 on the adidas website.buyYeezy 700 Static with best price



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