Vocational Evaluator-Brevard

Our Mission is to empower our clients with knowledge connections and the confidence required to embark on a new sustainable career. Come join our team of caring professionals and make a difference Please read job description in its entirety before applying for this position. Enjoy benefits like 401K Retirement Plan Benefits including health dental life vision available 7 paid holidays Accrued Paid Vacation Learn more about an ever-growing industry and your community Make a difference in a life ABOUT US employU is a Nonprofit Employment Service contracted with The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation assisting people with disabilities prepare for become and retain employment. We are seeking a Career Consultant to work with our clients in a territory including indian River and Bevard County. Copy and paste this link to hear an employee testimonial s drive.google.com file d 1rCzmaNeaCV6z2OtyCYVYXoghev76jYaQ view usp sharingJOB DESCRIPTION The Career Consultant works in our Vocational Evaluations Department in a client facing role. Experience with vocational assessment administration analysis and interpretation is a must. The Career Consultant conducts assessments and analysis to identify individual needs and recommends training methods accordingly. The goal is to appraise clients interests aptitudes and personality characteristics for social educational and vocational planning. The incumbent will be expected to travel to meet the clients.ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Conduct a wide variety of assessments including TABE TASC and Interest Inventories Coordinate and Perform Work site Evaluations Prepare Reports detailing assessment methods observations and recommendations Experience with Career Counseling and Case Management (particularly with individuals with mental and intellectual disabilities) is preferred What we look for in employees- Autonomy Authenticity Fearlessness Excellence Respectfulness Collaboration Authenticity PassionQUALIFICATIONS REQUIREMENTS Must be a Certified Vocational Evaluator OR Possess a Master s Degree in Vocational Evaluation Psychology or Rehabilitation Counseling. Those that do not hold a Master s Degree need not apply. At least 2 years of experience in the mental health or psychology field preferred but not required Able to pass a Level 2 Background Check Valid Driver s License Auto Registration Auto Insurance coverage 50k property 100k personal injury liability Reliable Transportation and comfortable with local travel Proficient with Google Suite Adobe and web based database systems Proficient with paper based and computer based assessment administration Passion for working with individuals with disabilities Experience with CARF and or APD standards is a plus Job Type Part time Full-time Benefits 401K Retirement Plan 7 paid holidays Accrued Paid Vacation Benefits including health dental life vision available



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