Pet Health Records

www.teamsasquatchsewing.bizWe are the parents of a mixed bag of cats and dogs. We love each and every one of them like our children and needed a simple but detailed record sheet for all of their records. So after a lot of different ideas I finally came up with one that is simple to use with a pocket to tuck any paperwork into until you can get it home to file.Every time we take our fur babies to the vet we take the little packet and the Clinic fills it out and returns it to us with any receipts or records in the folder. The vet loves it and so do we I hope you enjoy this item as much as we do About This ProductSize 8.5 X 11 - Heavy Card Stock - Half Fold5.4 X 11 Pocket on InsideLaser printed so the ink won t smudge when wetMade in a smoke free homeMade in the U.S.A.Order Now at petrecords.htmlOr visit my Ebay store at s str teamsasquatchsewingCome see the rest of our awesome items at index.htmlOr email me at Trich(at)



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