Rehoming Siberian Husky Puppy

I m having to rehome my eight month Siberian Husky. If you re interested or know of anyone who would be interested please contact me. She does have a rehoming fee. She ll come with her collar her leash and her favorite hippo toy.She s very high energy and demands a lot of attention. I m just not able to give her what she needs since I ve been working a lot. She s sweet. Knows how to sit and lie down. Will wait for her food if you tell her to sit and wait. Gives you her paw and other paw on command. She s good with older kids and really friendly with humans. She s up to date in vaccinations. Pretty much crate trained with the lure of treats. We re still working on potty training her so she may have a few accidents if left alone. She s also not spaded.My heart truly hurts because I wanted to be her forever home but I want her to be happy.



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