Try Best Optometry Degree Course At NSHM Kolkata

Career opportunity after courseAn optometrist tests the eyes for visual acuity and prescribes lenses for correction. They professionally handle eye testing equipment to check people s vision and are capable of fabricating lenses when required and fitting them besides they also handle other aids for low vision for individual needs. Optometrists can help prevent blindness in people as they deal with refraction eye wear fitting of contact lenses dealing with low vision and evaluating and referring to ophthalmology.After qualifying from top BSc Optometry College NSHM Kolkata optometrists work in optician s outlets eye hospitals and clinics or with multinational companies dealing with vision care. Best colleges in India they can also specialize in vision disorders like colour blindness squint and infractive errors in case of presbyopia. After gaining experience in private clinics and lens manufacturers they can start their own practice. It is known to be one of the top 10 income earning professions.



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