2009 Winnebago 34Y Diesel Pusher Class A Motorhome

Class A Motorhome - 2009 Winnebago 34Y Diesel Pusher - ONLY 13 000 miles Allison Trans Freightliner Chassis - 8000 watt Diesel generator has 200 hours all new LED lights installed inside 2 month old queen bed (Bedboss hybrid memory foam - firm) - can easily be converted to a king bed if desired new set of Michelin tires. Has propane extend-asstay system new fantastik fan in bath new wiper blades recent oil change and service full 500 RV cover included. From the MSRP sheet (pictured in photos) - upgraded entertainment center protective front mask video camera system and more This is a TRUE find. Located about 31 miles SE of Atlanta. Asking 92 700. (VERY competitive price - will sell fast.) Excellent Condition. Did I mention ONLY 13 000 miles More Photos Available



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