wood stove VERMONT CASTING DEFIANT [new reduced]

If you anything about this beauty you ll want to call me asap. This is a new legendary classic Vermont Castings Defiant Flex-Burn Wood Burning Stove with all available options and in the stunning Bordeaux finish offered (at) price NEW condition and seldom used in showroom floor. Was priced (at) 5700.00 and yours for just 3500 cash. The Defiant provides more than heat it s a skillfully crafted timeless piece of furniture. Great design bridges beauty and utility and a finely-fashioned exterior with classic curves and smooth cast iron finish complements features made with care. Function is an art of its own and our dedication to the wood stove experience results in components designed with convenience in mind. Easily load wood from the top minimizing effort and keeping smoke and embers contained. Cleanly remove ashes even when the stove is hot with the exclusive swing-out ash pan and handled cover. Enjoy longer burn times with more even heat with thermostatically controlled combustion. Perfect for larger rooms. Includes the original manual side warmers 4 mitten racks and so much more. Defiant Flexburn Appliance Width 32-3 8 Appliance Height 28-7 8 Appliance Depth1 19 Peak BTU hr Output2 56 000 Heating Capacity3 1 300 - 2 800 sq ft Maximum Burn Time4 14 hrs Firebox Capacity 3.1 cu ft Recommended Log Length 24 Efficiency Catalytic 80.0% Non-Catalytic 71.0% Emissions Catalytic 1.1 grams hour Non-Catalytic 2.3 grams hour. Once in a lifetime opportunity. Paul



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