Fireplace insert CEMI 11 reduced

Need a premium fire place insert at a fraction of its value EURICA You have found it because the CEMI CONCEPT 11 is an extreme fireplace insert that was built here in the USA and crafted like a battleship Yes perhaps an oldie but compared to today s products this is indeed an over built beauty Extremely well designed built and in excellent condition. Needs nothing save a new owner that is interested in saving . This wood stove insert has the classic looks of an expensive fireplace but with enormous output of heat via a patented bellows design using convection with radiant heat output and thermal-syphon tri-level combustion system. Twin mica-glass HD cast iron doors provide a beautiful view of the fire and plenty of radiant heat. Very efficient. Ornate design with gold trim. Measuring approx. front 28 H x 32 W x D 24 . The firebox will easily accept 20 logs. 375.00. Simply call Paul. That s all



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