Manager Occupational SafetyEnvironment

OverviewDevelop and administer safety programs designed to reduce the risk of occupational injury minimize business disruption and damage of property. Partner with operational leadership and other key stake holders to ensure that occupational safety and environmental aspects are understood and managed. Develop and manage initiatives to promote a productive safety culture including programs designed to increase employee involvement education and recognition. Implement targeted countermeasure programs designed to address performance trends and foster continual improvement.ResponsibilitiesAnalyze the work environment and develop programs designed to control eliminate and prevent occupational disease and or injury caused by physical chemical or ergonomic factors. Develop and manage initiatives to promote a productive safety culture including programs designed to increase employee involvement education and recognition. Provide technical support to leadership on matters related to occupational safety environmental compliance and operational risk mitigation. Collect and interpret injury data to identify trends and or causal factors such as system failure human error incomplete or faulty decision-making or a weakness in existing controls policies or practices. Provide quality assurance oversight for the maintenance and operation of life safety systems and fire prevention suppression and detection systems. Direct the preparation and submission of all internal and external regulatory reports related to occupational safety and environmental compliance. Liaise with regulatory agencies on matters related to reporting and or investigating compliance concerns. Required Qualifications Bachelors degree in occupational safety environmental management engineering or related discipline. 3-5 years of relevant occupational safety and environmental compliance work experience 3-5 years of experience in a complex industrial environment Ability to effectively manage multiple projects simultaneously Excellent written and verbal communications Strong analytical skills needed to evaluate processes and resolve problems Knowledge of and experience working with performance metrics Ability to work with others in a mature professional and collaborative manner Preferred Qualifications Advanced degree in occupational safety or environmental management 5-7 years of relevant occupational safety and environmental compliance work experience 1-3 years of experience managing indoor air quality and or industrial hygiene programs 1-3 years of management systems experience ISO14001 OHSAS 18001 OSHA VPP etc. Professional certification CIH CSP ASP or OHST Apply Here PI112967443



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