150W LED Pole Light 5700K Universal Mount Bronze AC100-277V

The 150W LED pole lights or LED pole lighting from LEDMyPlace is available in slim & sleek design as light-weight and in bronze color. Having a beam angle of 150 85 degree (Type III lighting) and being available in color temperature of 5700K daywhite light) the LED pole lights while delivering 21000 lumens makes for a perfect security light. As UL certified product this product provides for complete safety when installed on poles in any outdoor area. This product can save you atleast 75-80% savings in energy while also providing for high-intensity broad-beamed general purpose lighting security lighting leisure lighting etc. FEATURES Easy Installation. Instant Start. High Lumen Output. Dust & Moisture-Resistant Lighting Fixture. Lifespan Not < 50 000 Hours. Excellent Thermal Management. Extreme Temperature Condition. Aluminium Housing. 5700K Color Temperature. 5 Years of manufacturer s Warranty. Rebate Eligible Product. NOTE s www.ebay.com itm 113569290900



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