ISO 27001 Certification Process in Kolkata

ISO 27001 is a standard that ensures security controls are effective adequate and certified by an international committee. It incorporates a process of scaling risk and valuation of assets with the goal of safeguarding the confidentiality integrity and availability of written spoken and electronic information.ISO 27001 specifies requirements for establishing implementing and Documenting Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) and Specifies requirements for security controls to be implemented according to the needs of individual organizations. For more information and updates in the ISO 27000 Certification keep an eye on the URS website.URS CERTIFICATIONF-3 Sector 06Noida- 201301 India.Tel 91-120-4516264 - 65Mobile 91- 9650807813Email info(at)ursindia.comWebsite iso_27001.aspx



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