VS Enterprises - Membrane Waterprofoofing Services for Terrace

Membrane waterproofing is a popular method used for low-sloped roofs due to their proven performance. Waterproofing membrane have torch on membrane and self-adhesive membrane.Torch on membrane have exposed and covered types. Exposed membrane often has mineral granular aggregate to withstand the wear and tear of the weathering and the other types of membrane contractor need to apply one protective screed to prevent the puncture of the membrane. Offered services are performed as per the diversified requirements of our valued clients. Before performing the provided services our experts examine all the services related norms and perform it in the best possible manner. Offered services are highly demanded to prevent water from entering the basement of a house shopping malls and commercial buildings. For More Details Please visit www.waterproofingcontractors.co.in Our Services Bathroom Water leakage Swimming Pool Waterproofing Services Retaining wall waterproofing Overhead water tank waterproofing Expansion Joint Waterproofing in buildings Terrace leakage solutions Basement waterproofing solutions Underground Water Tank Waterproofing solution Wall Crack Repair Services CONTACT DETAILS V S Enterprises - Waterproofing ContractorsNo.14 Webster RoadCox Town Bangalore -560 005Mob 91 9845027027 91 9845076301Off No 080 41487342 080 43712276Website www.waterproofingcontractors.co.inWebiste vsonlineshopping.comEmail Id info(at)vsenterpises.co Call Us For 100 % Free Quote & Free Inspection Services. (Only in Bangalore)



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