wood stove FULLER-WARREN circa 1920s

I am from Milwaukee and I oughtta know.... no Asian junk here . This USA made kitchen cook stove heater coal wood burner is a blast from the past . You are looking at an original classic STEWART Kitchen heater 35 manufactured by the Fuller-Warren Co. of Milwaukee Wi. in the early 1900s. This is a rare vintage collectable woodstove that is in darn good condition with all working ancillaries and the dedicated tools. Cast iron heavy duty steel and ready to display or install. Not only does it look good it will also work hard to cut your energy bills This stove is simply over-built for burning wood because it was designed and built to burn coal. It measures 12 wide X 25 D x 33 H. It even has the original grate and the crank for shaking the ashes into the ash bin below. Just 250.00 OBO HONEST So simply call. That s all



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