Get Exciting Deals on LED Canopy Lights

Buy Now LED Canopy Lights for your Gas Station. So you don t have to compromise your lighting needs ever. offers you the best quality led lights for your outdoor lighting. These Lights provides you utmost brightness and do not contains any harmful material like mercury or lead.Specification of LED Canopy Lights Available wattage 45W 70W and 150W. Emits the white color temperature of 5700K. Easily replaces MH or HD Lights up to 180 watts. Save up to 70% on your Energy Bills. IP65 rated (water and dustproof) ideal to be operational in any harsh weather. 50 000 operational hours. cUL DLC approved. 5-year warranty with 24 7 customer support system. These LED Canopy Lights do not have any complex wiring which makes the installation easy. For more information you can contact our customer support team on (437-800-1071).Buy Now



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