RV Space Now available - Escape Winter

Nightly Customer Weekly Customer and Monthly Customer are all Welcome. We are Big Rig Friendly with Full hook ups. PULL THROUGH SITES. Avr space is 40 Feet Long and 20 feet wide. So yes you can tow trailer Car and not worry about unhooking them or even try to back up. 90% of our site have tall Trees. Waking up to cup of Coffee and watching the sun Rise is peaceful relaxing paradiseLocation Bosque New MexicoFind us on Facebook web www.kivarvhorsemotel.comKiva RV Park & Horse Motel prides itself on offering not only a spacious and lovely campground but also on its horse accommodations. We now have few Monthly spaces open up and are ready for you come join us here in New Mexico. Good break away North winters. WE have cool night and outstanding days. Yes most days are T-shirt days. There are ATV riding from the park Yes good horse riding trails. Our community is 50 and few young one working up north in Albuquerque. Kiva RV Park is a privately-owned Park located 50 Miles south of Albuquerque on Interstate 25 (Exit 175). Nestled amidst many natural and historical sites Kiva s quiet location can give you the quiet and security you are seeking. Our community is 55 and pet friendly. Yes Big Rig Friendly. We are located adjacent to Interstate 25 next to exit 175 (Bernardo Mountainair Exit). We are on the west side of the Interstate 25.There are stalls with runs box stalls and large pens to accommodate a large number of horses at any given time. The location of the campground is ideal and offers riding opportunities directly from the property and onto the surrounding area so horse and riders can enjoy a time of exercise while experiencing the beauty of the local western terrain.



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