Tiger Containers Sydney

Need extra storage Tiger Containers Sydney can help you with our onsite storage facilities.Are you Renovating and you need temporary storage space for your office or home furniture and property Clearing out an estate and need a secure place to store items Planning a garage sale but lack enough space to keep all items safe from the elements Moving or traveling overseas for an extended period and you re moving out of your rented space but don t want to or don t have time to sell your possessions ...or one of the dozens of scenarios where you need a space to store your stuff now If you answered YES to any of these let Tiger Containers Sydney help Tiger Containers has secure onsite storage facilities at Tempe and Roselands. Our onsite storage facilities have 24 7 security cameras - we keep an eye on your property Secure and Gated Facility - we guard your property as we guard ours Sealed Shipping Containers - we protect your property from the elements water wind and wear. Visit the Tiger Container Sydney Office at Swamp Road & Bellevue Street Tempe Sydney or call us at 1800 072 039.You can also buy or hire shipping containers new or used. Visit our website at tigercontainers.com to learn more.



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