2000 SalemForest River 21&rsquo Toy Hauler

2000 Salem Forest River 21 Toy Hauler perfect for UTV s ATV s motorcycles...we currently use for our RZR 4 seater Main floor has two twin beds and the top bunk has a queen bed. Kitchen with stove oven microwave toaster oven refrigerator freezer sink. Bathroom with shower sink and storage. 32 LED TV with fold away adjustable mount. 15 awning with new cloth. Working A C & heat. Onboard generator. Self contained. Linoleum floor split in an area that we have covered with a rug...wood underneath is beautiful Hot water heater is bypassed and we ve never tried to use it. Has 4 new tires and bearings. Working trailer brakes. Includes weight distribution hitch and anti-sway bar. Has 2 onboard LP tanks. No leaks Ready to go 5800 OBO



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