Pet Friendly Community

Pet Friendly Community2323 E 6th AvenueStillwater OK 740743 Bedroom 2.0 Bathroom 960 sqft.No application fees no pet deposit and low deposit of 99.00 on approved credit.SEE THESE AMAZING NEW HOMES - NEVER LIVED IN - AFFORDABLE - BEAUTIFULApplication Fees. 99.00 Deposit.(oac) 795.00OPEN HOUSE DAILYDESCRIPTIONThree bedroom 3 bath brand new manufactured homes in Stillwater OK . Stunning greenery spacious lawns community pool and very quiet. The bedrooms are large with ample closet space. The kitchen is great size with ample room for dining table and comes with stunning appliance package that includes the microwave. All new and never lived in freshly delivered from factory. These are lovely NEW mobile homes - get yours while they last OSU preferred off-campus choice living - don t settle for anything else - OPEN HOUSE DAILYPROPERTY DETAILS3 bedroom 2 bath homesCrystal clear seasonal poolNear OSU and SchoolsAC is ICE COLDAffordable and Low Move-In FeesAmple Parking 99.00 Security Deposit Several locations to Choose From in our 5 communitiesProfessional 24 Hour on-call staff for after hour emergencies.CONTACT INFORMATIONLeasing Officeshow contact info 2323 E 6th AvenueStillwater OK 74074Vineyards Management GroupOPEN HOUSE Daily



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