Built-in 1977 this Chino two-story home offers gas heating stainless steel appliances a jetted master tub a covered deck and a two-car garage. AVAILABLE FOR RENT TO OWN OPTION. Lease Terms Rent Price 2200 MOVE IN COST 4400 PET DEPOSIT 150 LEASE DURATION 1YR INTERIOR FEATURES Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 2.5 Total interior livable area 1 599 sqft Lot Size 4 500 sqft Heating Forced Air Cooling Central Cable Ready FLOORING Carpet Laminate Tile. Fenced Yard Parking Attached Garage 2 space Pets Allowed YES Appliances Dishwasher Range Oven Microwave Refrigerator. Built-in 1977 CONTACT- Jose A Bustamonte josebustamonte695 (at) GMAIL (DOT)COM



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