Suzuki Calvalcade LXE

1987 Suzuki Calvalcade LXE Great touring machine and everything works. Runs like new. includes soft travel luggage and bike cover with many extras. 115 HP 5 speed. My wife and I took an 800 mile trip on it not long ago and it performed flawlessly. Brakes tires etc in excellent condition. These bikes are built for larger people. It has computerized air suspension and air seats front and rear. Cruise control is excellent and good easily removable Bose stereo system. Double overhead cams hemi head water cooled 45 degree V4. Super smooth Touring elite tires. Driver and passenger audio controls. Rear seat 6 way adjustable head rest and sliding back rest Built in intercom. Multiple factory air vents and also heater vents for winter time riding. On board air compressor with air hose for tires. Floor boards. Adjustable air wings at knees. 2 taller than standard windshield. Original owners manual tool kit. I also have the factory service manual.. Less



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