Employee Background Checks Services in India Netrika

An employee background check in India is quite important for several reasons. Firstly you want to know if the prospective employee actually possesses the skills that he or she is being hired for. Checks need to be made on the past work history of the candidate as well and the reasons why they left their previous jobs. There might be a possibility that the person sitting across the table in the interview is a criminal or a sex offender someone whom you definitely do not want in the company.What is done during the employee background check in India Some of the most common things that will be routinely looked into during an employee background check in India are Past and present criminal records if any Credits reports Driving records Verification of all personal credentials Usage of social media and what kind of posts are in use Previous work history Reference checks with all the companies with whom the worker was associated in the past. Website s www.netrika.inIndia Office (Global Headquarters)Plot No.2 Industrial Estate Udyog Vihar Phase IV Gurugram 122015 Haryana India0124-288-3000info(at)netrika.in UAE Office Saif Zone Q1-06-141 C PO Box 124932 Sharjah Airport Free Zonedubai(at)netrika.in Singapore Office 25 Bukit Batok Crescent The Elitist 04-02 Singapore 658066singapore(at)netrika.in Sri Lanka Office32 Uswatte Road Etul KotteKotte Sri Lankasrilanka(at)netrika.in



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