Use Ballast Compatible T8 8ft 40W LED Tube to Save Money

While managing a big gym where lots of customers are visiting your place on the daily basis for achieving their fitness goals you can t offer them insufficient lights to do workout sessions. In fact you need proper lights that can help them in enjoying a soothing environment and by using the LED tubes you can surely have sufficient lights for a maximum period of time. Among many lights you can use Ballast Bypass LED Tube T8 8ft that can be easily replaced with the existing fluorescent tubes without changing the circuit for power supply.Apart from the quicker installation the Ballast Bypass LED Tube T8 8ft has many other advantages a well Unlike the fluorescent tubes this Ballast Bypass LED Tube T8 8ft can work without any flickering or buzzing while starting and the superior thermal management system inside these LED tubes keep them cooler for the longer period of time as well. Comes with a color temperature of 5800 lumens this Ballast Bypass LED Tube T8 8ft provides soothing light glow making it perfect to have a cozy atmosphere inside the gyms. Also the lumen output of this 8ft 40w LED tube is 5800 lumens and can be replaced with any traditional light of up to 100w. Get these DLC certified tubes that comes with 5 years of warranty from the manufacturer s end in addition to 30 days return policy from the same. So bid goodbye to the existing tubes that you might be using inside your gyms and use this Ballast Bypass LED Tube T8 8ft that are environmental friendly lights and will not pollute the environment even at the time of disposing of them.



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